Shine a light into the dark storms of life.

At the Lighthouse Housing Alliance

we are committed to guiding families out of a dark season toward a brighter future. Our unwavering dedication to providing compassionate support, empowering solutions, and fostering community collaboration positions us to make a lasting impact on families in crisis. Help give hope to a vulnerable family by supporting stable housing and fostering a sense of community.

About our Program

We collectively support vulnerable families by enabling access to stable housing, equipping them in crisis to achieve self-sufficiency, and working to break the cycle of housing instability. Read more in our about section.

Shine your light!

We are in the start-up phase of our organization. The current need is funding towards operating costs and housing for our first two families!

The Team

Lighthouse Housing Alliance, established by AnnaMaria Mattey, is led by a board consisting of President AnnaMaria Mattey, Ginny Ospahl, and Krista Budsisz.

If your family needs assistance

please check back in the Spring 2024. We are currently in the process of developing our organization, raising money, and building our program for you. In the meantime, you can fill out our contact form.

Offering hope, one family at a time